Red-tailed Hawk
Miss Jones
Our resident Red-tailed Hawk has permanent injuries and is non-releasable. Miss Jones came to us from Evelyn Alexander Wildlife Rescue Center in Hampton Bays, NY in early 2014. Eight pieces of shot from a shotgun were found in her body. She also suffered a fracture to her right wing bone. All pieces of shot in her body were removed, but orthopedic surgery failed to correct the fracture, and she could not regain the flight capabilities needed to survive in the wild. She is a crowd favorite at educational programs.
Average Height: 17.7 - 22 inches (male)
Average Weight: 1.5 - 3 pounds (male)
Wingspan: 44.9 - 52.4 inches (male)
Life Span: On average, 21 years in the wild.
Description: Red-tailed Hawks often have pale underparts, with streaked bellies and reddish-brown to chocolate brown back and wings. The tail is red from the top, hence their name.
Call: A loud, screaming “kee-eeee-ar” that lasts 2-3 seconds.
Range: These hawks are found all throughout the United States.
Habitat: Red-tailed Hawks prefer open areas, and are mostly found near fields perched on fences and telephone poles.
Diet: Red-tailed Hawks eat mammals such as rabbits, skunks, voles, moles, and mice. They will also eat small birds.