Programs — Flat Rock Brook

Field Trips

Thank you for your interest in programs at Flat Rock Brook, we are currently booking programs for the remainder of the 2024 school year.

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Enrich your classroom curriculum with a unique learning experience! We use the outdoors as a classroom and include a focused walk during which nature concepts are discussed and illustrated through hands-on activities. Each program satisfies a variety of New Jersey Student Learning Standards.

To register, email .


Up to 10 students: $100 31 - 40 students $250 61 - 70 students $400
11-20 students:      $140 41 - 50 students $300 71 - 80 students $450
21- 30 students: $200 51 - 60 students $350 81- 100 students $550

  • Groups will be broken up into smaller groups for hikes to maximize the experience for your students.

  • One adult for every ten students is required.

  • There is no charge for teachers or adult chaperones at a ratio of 2 adults per 10 students. Extra adults will be charged at the student rate.

  • If there is a weather-related cancellation you will be refunded or rescheduled.

  • All lessons are held outdoors. Please dress appropriately for the weather conditions.

  • We are unable to reserve rain dates. Programs will run during light rain or snow flurries.

Programs are scheduled on a first come, first served basis. We strongly suggest groups over 40 choose several trip dates. Due to staffing we may not be able to accommodate groups over 40 on all dates, we will contact you if staffing is not available on the dates you choose.

Field Trip Program Descriptions

Sensing Nature Grades Pre-K through 1
Using their five senses, students will explore the natural world and learn how we sense differently than animals.
K-LS1-1, ESS2-2

ABC Discovery Grades Pre-K through 1
The perfect introductory nature experience! During a guided walk, children will find out how to be safe in the outdoors while enjoying nature's wonders!
K-LS1-1, ESS2-2

Who Lives Here? Grades K through 3
Study the variety of habitats found at Flat Rock Brook through a hike across the preserve guided by a naturalist.
K-LS1-1, ESS2-2, ESS3-1; 2-LS4-1; 3-LS3-2

Life Cycles Grades 1 through 3
Examine what occurs during a plant or animal's life cycle through a hike on the Flat Rock Brook trails.

Fascinating Forest Grades 1 through 5
Discover the forest habitat and its organisms, from the forest floor to the tree canopy, with an emphasis on the forest’s main component: trees.
1-LS3-1; 2-LS4-1; 3-LS3-2, LS4-2; 4-LS1-1; R-LS1-1, LS2-1

Remarkable Rocks Grades 3 through 5
Students become geologists for the day as they learn to classify rocks and then head off on the trails to search for remarkable rocks.
4-ESS2-1; 5-PS1-3

Wilderness Survival Grades 4 through 8
Could you survive in the wilderness? Gain skills and practice methods that will help you survive.

Wild Wetlands Grades 5 through 8
Wetlands are more than just a soggy part of nature. Explore this valuable habitat at Flat Rock, discover the flora and fauna that thrive here and examine its ecological importance. 5-LS2-1

Stream Ecology Grades 8 through 12
Complete a study of a stream habitat by examining factors such as speed, depth and shape and search for critters living under the stream.

Exploring Forest Health Grades 8 through 12
Work in teams to study the health of our forest at Flat Rock Brook. Consider the biodiversity, study the sizes of trees and identify the species of trees in a particular area. Students will produce their own studies indicating forest health.

Classroom Programs at Flat Rock Brook

Programs are 45 to 60 minutes each. Programs at Flat Rock Brook may include live animals and/or a short walk to pond, meadow, or aviary based on program content. Programs in the “Description” area below with an * include a live animal while at Flat Rock Brook, Outreach programs listed in the “Outreach” area below with an additional cost are the ONLY programs with a live animal.

On-Site Classroom Program cost:

1 to 10 students $60

11 to 30 students $120

31 to 50 students $150

Additional Costs: Picnic space 10-25 people = $25 26-50* people = $50 51- 75* people = $75 * groups over 25 will need to use picnic area at different times or will need to picnic at Jones Road, Nature Center Back Porch, and Gazebo areas in small groups.

Want to book a program with us? Please fill out the form linked below:


Flat Rock Brook Nature Center’s outreach programs bring nature into your classroom. Outreach programs are offered to schools, houses of worship, camps, libraries, senior centers, and any other group that would like to have an immersive learning experience! New Jersey Student Learning Standards are listed below where applicable for school programs.

Our classroom-based outreach programs are designed to inspire respect for nature. Our staff engages students with nature by bringing live animals and natural history artifacts into the classroom. Programs are 45 minutes to one hour long. Programs are for up to 35 students and cost $200 for first class and $175 for each additional back-to-back class. Birds of Prey, Whoo’s Eating Who?, Slimy and Scaly, Beautiful Bones, and Invaluable Invertebrates have an additional $50.00 charge for live animals.

ASSEMBLY - Birds of Prey Assembly for larger groups include 3-4 birds, artifacts and discussion about these amazing animals and their habitat. Assemblies are 60 to 90 minutes for up to 150 students cost $475, assemblies for 151 to 200 students cost $550, assemblies for 201 to 400 students cost $750.

For distances over 10 miles, there will be an additional transportation fee, which is the IRS standard mileage rate for businesses.

For information and to schedule school programs, email For public / family programs please email or call (201) 567-1265.

Program Descriptions for on-site and Outreach class room based Programs


Birds of Prey All ages
Enjoy a presentation featuring live birds of prey. FRB naturalists will bring along some of the non-releasable raptors that we house and discuss their adaptations, behaviors, and more.

Staying Alive Grades K through 4
Students learn about the many adaptations animals have that help them survive in their own habitat.
2-LS4-1; 3-LS3-2, LS4-2, LS4-3, LS4-4; 4-LS1-1

Life Cycles* Grades K through 3
What are the stages of a bullfrog's life? What does an oak tree grow from? Discover the dynamic life cycles of plants and animals.

Wacky Weather Grades K through 8
This program will introduce concepts of weather and ways to interpret clouds, wind, and rain. Students also discover how weather affects plants, animals, and land. This class includes age-appropriate information on climate change and the local effects of climate change on plants, animals, humans, and various habitats.
K-ESS2-1, ESS3-2,

Invaluable Invertebrates Grades K through 3
Looking at invertebrates make you a bit squeamish? Let us show you the amazing, beautiful, and useful side of these boneless beauties.
1-PS4-1, PS4-2; 2-PS1-1

In The Forest* Pre-K through second Grade

The forests of New Jersey are filled with wonderful plants and animals. We will use our model tree to discuss the forests and the many forest friends that may be found within them.

Not In My House!* Pre-K through Grade 3

This program includes a book, game, and discussion about the best choices for a pet and reviews a few animals that will make your family say “not in my house!”.

In The Night* Pre-K through Grade 2

Explore the creatures of the night with a story, game, craft, and discussion.

In The Meadow* Pre-K through Grade 2

What makes a meadow special and who might call it home? Find out with a story, craft, game, and discussion about flowering plants, and pollinators.

In the Pond* Pre-K through Grade 2

Dive into this fun topic as we learn about the amazing animals that live in and near a pond. We will read a story, play a game, and do a wetland craft.

Scaly and Slimy Pre-K to Grade 12
Learn all about reptiles and amphibians; what is similar and what is different between the two? Meet live critters to see the scaly and slimy features in real life!
1-PS4-1, PS4-2; 2-PS1-1

"Water" You Talking About? Grades K through 3
Using a 3-D model, students will learn about watersheds and what causes point and non-point source pollution.

Animal Eyes and Animal Cries Grades 1 through 2
Explore sights and sounds through studies of animal vision, animal voices and vibrations. Do sounds make vibrations? How do owls see in the dark? These questions and more will be answered through fun-filled activities.
1-PS4-1, PS4-2; 2-PS1-1

Bird Brained Grades 1 through 3
Take a close look at feathers, eggs, nests, and other interesting artifacts. Students will learn about the unique and fascinating adaptations that birds have developed to help them survive.
1-LS3-1; 3-LS4-2

Beautiful Bones* Grades 2 through 5

Vertebrate classification. We will discuss bones and what they are made of and how they help animals survive. Think like a scientist as we learn about several animals based on clues from their bones.

Plant Classification Grades 2 through 8

Find out the major categories of plants and what it takes to be in each group. This program is adapted to older age groups with the addition of plant cell biology and more thorough classification of plants.

Fabulous Fungi and Likeable Lichen Grades 3-6

We look at moss, algae, lichen, and fungi to discover the non-plant way of life.

Remarkable Rocks Grades 2 through 6
Students will become Junior Geologists to determine the three different families of rocks by their characteristics, how rocks change over time and how people use rocks in everyday life in this fun and engaging introductory geology program.
4-ESS2-1; 5-PS1-3

Whoo’s Eating Who?* Grades 3 through 8
Explore food chains by dissecting real owl pellets. This exploration will allow students to study the diets of ptors and identify what an owl ate by looking at their pellets.

Save Our Species Grades 4 through 8
Through engaging activities, visuals, and “touchables,” students will learn the five main reasons why animals and plants become endangered. Global and local endangered species and conservation issues will also be discussed.

Now and Then Grades 6 through 9

We will take a brief look at how plants and animals have changed over the millions of years of natural history and look at some theories of evolution. Then we take this program to the big time, megafauna of North America including mammoths, giant ground sloth, and dire wolves.

Balance of Nature* Grades 5 through 12

Mother Nature knew how to balance the plants and animals to keep an eco-system healthy. We will take a look at several cases where animals were extirpated from New Jersey or invasive animals introduced to New Jersey eco-systems and how that impacted the entire balance of nature.

Want to book a program with us? Please fill out the form linked below:

Group Walks

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Flat Rock offers one-hour guided nature walks for groups year-round. These walks are available to groups of children four years or older, youth groups, adult groups, and groups with special needs. Walks follow the trails and explore the plants and animals of the pond, forest, and field habitats as well as seasonal changes at the preserve and can be catered to the specific needs and interests of each group. For example, if a scout group wishes to have a program that will complete a badge requirement, arrangements can be made with the staff naturalist in advance.

All walks start and end at the Nature Center at 443 Van Nostrand Ave. Other starting locations can be arranged in advance.

Walks can be scheduled throughout the year, subject to the availability of the staff naturalists. To register for a group program please call the Flat Rock Brook office at 201 567-1265 ext. 203 or email

  • Lessons are $9 per person; for every five children you may bring one chaperone free of charge.

  • Each additional chaperone is $9

  • Minimum program fee $45

Group size is limited to 50 participants. Payment must be made at least two weeks prior to a scheduled walk.

If Flat Rock cancels a scheduled nature walk due to weather, we will attempt to reschedule your program or refund your money. If the group cancels the walk, the payment is considered a donation to the Nature Center.

Birthday Parties

We offer fun, nature-themed birthday parties for children age 4 and older.

When you choose Flat Rock Brook Nature Center for your child's birthday, you can encourage a respect for nature among party participants while creating memories that will last a lifetime.

Each birthday party includes an hour-long program of your choice with a naturalist, plus an hour for your own party activities such as cake. You bring the décor and food and we'll provide an exciting program for 15 or up to 20 birthday party participants (ask us about pricing for additional attendees). Look for our goody bag and pizza party add-ons!


Homeschool classes are held seasonally. We are now offering multiple time slots for any children to join, whether they are in school during the day or homeschooled.

Homeschool students and those looking for extra enrichment opportunities, are invited to join educators from Tenafly Nature Center, Teaneck Creek Conservancy, and Flat Rock Brook as we introduce scavengers, decomposers and creepy crawlies. Each session will feature hands-on/minds-on exploration perfect for a budding to intermediate naturalist. Meet other home school families while kids strengthen their knowledge and appreciation for the environment.

Students will strengthen their knowledge and appreciation for the environment while exploring unique outdoor ecosystems in small socially distanced groups.

Students should wear appropriate outdoor gear, sturdy, closed-toe footwear, and masks. Please no hand-held devices. The program will take place outdoors (rain or shine). In the event of inclement weather, the program may be cancelled or rescheduled.

  • For families with children 5-12 years old.

  • 100% outdoors.

  • This program is run as a series.

  • This is a drop off program.

  • Attendance is for the registered participant only.

GROUP A: Morning sessions 10:00AM - 11:30AM
GROUP B: Afternoon sessions 3:00PM - 4:30PM

Please note, session topics are the same, please register for ONE preferred time slot.

Public Programs

For information on these programs, or to register for any program below please email Carol at or use the button after each program to register and pay online. Please note that there is an option to register for all programs in each series at a discounted rate.

Conservation Club

These classes are designed for homeschool and after school students (age 7-11). Based on age appropriate New Jersey Science Standards intended to enrich your child's science and conservation understanding!

Programs are updated monthly. Check our calendar to see what we have coming up!

Nature Program Public Stream

Summer Camp -

Flat Rock Brook offers summer nature camp for ages 4-11 from June through August. Schedules and online registration coming soon. Please contact or call (201) 567-1265 for more information.

 If your child is attending camp with us for the 2025 summer season, please download both PDFs below.

Please return the file labeled packet, with the consent, questionnaire, and pick-up authorization forms included at your earliest convenience (ASAP).

Please return the file labeled Universal Health Form two (2) weeks before your child’s first day of camp. Everyone must fill out the first page. Please only have a doctor complete the Asthma Action Plan and Food Allergy Action Plan forms if they are applicable to your child.

To return the forms, please submit them using the button below. If there are any problems, a Flat Rock Brook representative will be in touch via email. Please check your inbox and spam for confirmation of received forms within 5 business days.

Group Program Inquiry Form

Want to book a program with us? Fill out this form to get started! Please be as accurate as possible in order to speed up the booking process.