Contact Us

You can reach us by mail, phone, or e-mail:


Flat Rock Brook Nature Association
443 Van Nostrand Avenue
Englewood, NJ 07631


201 567-1265


Who We Are

Flat Rock Brook Nature Center is a 150-acre preserve and education center on the western slope of the Palisades in Englewood, New Jersey. The Center was established in 1973 by citizens who were committed to land conservation and environmental education.

One of the last remnants of the Palisades Forest, the preserve is managed by the Flat Rock Brook Nature Association. Our mission is to maintain the 150-acre preserve as a natural sanctuary for plants and wildlife in our urban area and as a nature preserve available to the public for trail walks, nature study and other passive recreation. We provide environmental education programs for thousands of students and the general public each year to create an understanding and appreciation of nature and to instill a sense of responsibility to protect it.

A 3.6 mile network of self-guiding trails leads to a cascading stream, wetlands, pond, wildflower meadows, quarry cliffs and woodlands. The diversity of the natural landscape allows visitors to observe a remarkable array of birds and other wildlife. Flat Rock Brook’s trails and picnic area are free and open to the public 365 days a year from dawn to dusk.

Flat Rock Brook is a non-profit 501(c)3 organization supported by donations and grants. You can help support Flat Rock Brook by making a tax-deductible donation.


In 1973, volunteers and community activists worked to preserve the land that is Flat Rock Brook Nature Center. These visionaries had the foresight to preserve the land in a densely populated suburb that was experiencing rapid development. However, the land that is today a nature preserve and education center has a long history of varied land use and conservation successes. Our timeline provides a historical snapshot of our preserve – one of the last remnants of the Palisades Forest – and of the Flat Rock Brook Watershed.

Click here to read the full history of the Flat Rock Brook Watershed by Dustin Griffin, historian and former trustee of Flat Rock Brook.

A Timeline History of Flat Rock Brook


Wildlife Resources

If you come across wildlife that you suspect is sick, injured or orphaned, please contact a licensed wildlife rehabilitator (see below). Flat Rock Brook is not licensed by the state to take or rehabilitate sick, injured or orphaned wildlife. In addition, it is a violation of Englewood City Ordinance #1953 to release animals, wild or domestic, on Flat Rock property.

• Only a licensed wildlife rehabilitator should handle or treat a wild animal. Do not attempt to handle any wildlife.

• Wild animals are not pets. It is best to leave wildlife in the wild and respect it in its natural habitat. Be aware that animals can carry diseases that are harmful to humans.

• Animals are best cared for by their parents. Although an animal may appear to be orphaned, more often than not its parents are nearby. Always leave them where they are, do not attempt to move or feed them.

Be a better steward for wildlife by gardening with native visitors in mind! Enjoy watching wildlife without disturbing natural behaviors and add in diverse plants to provide food to a variety of species. Some suggestions are available here!


Regional Licensed Wildlife Rehabilitation Facilities

Birds of Prey and Wild Birds
The Raptor Trust
1390 White Bridge Road
Millington, NJ 07946

Dolores Garbowski
Wildlife Freedom Inc.
781 Ringwood Ave.
Wanaque, NJ 07465

Mammals, Reptiles and Amphibians
Tracy Leaver
Woodlands Wildlife Refuge
673 County Road 513
Pittstown, NJ 08867
908-730-8300 ex. 4


For a complete list of Licensed Rehab Facilities, click here

Land Management

Flat Rock Brook’s 150 acres of forested land is a unique sanctuary in a highly urbanized area. It acts as a refuge for plant and animal species in an area otherwise lacking an abundance of green spaces. As stewards of the land it is Flat Rock Brook’s responsibility to implement practical and effective conservation and management projects that ensure a bright future for the land. All of these projects and initiatives share a set of goals; to increase and conserve biodiversity, increase the viability of our forest as wildlife habitat, and support forest regeneration and re-growth of native vegetation.

Deer Exclosures ➝

Habitat Restoration ➝

Vegetation Survey and Monitoring Project ➝

Water Quality Monitoring Program ➝

Wildlife Survey ➝




Flat Rock Brook strives to use energy wisely. We conserve resources and rely on clean energy sources wherever possible. These practices save greenhouse gas emissions and other impacts of fossil fuel use. We also choose sustainable materials for construction projects and general office use, limiting the impacts of logging and quarrying. We manage our water resources efficiently and dispose of waste responsibly, including composting and recycling.

Our Building ➝

Our Preserve ➝

Our Offices, Classrooms and Exhibit Room ➝

Our Partners

Flat Rock Brook works closely with our corporate and foundation partners to match opportunities for support with their philanthropic goals.  We recognize that the private sector has an important role to play in supporting our work. Their commitment helps ensure that we can maintain our preserve for the enjoyment of our community and provide quality environmental education programming to local schools, children, adults and families.

We offer opportunities for event sponsorship, capital project underwriting and staff volunteerism. The generosity of corporations and foundations helps Flat Rock Brook remain a vital regional resource for spending time in nature and participating in environmental education programs.

If your corporation is looking for meaningful ways to give back and engage your employees, explore a partnership with Flat Rock Brook.

To discuss partnership opportunities, please contact:

Stephen Wiessner
Executive Director
(201) 567-1265

Flat Rock Brook Nature Association extends “thanks” to our partners for their support of our preservation and education initiatives.




Chelsea Gleis

1st Vice President
Kathleen Silberstein

2nd Vice President
GeorgeAnn Starace

Vasilios Ziangos

Lauren Mitchell


Omri Amar Maria Andreu
Melinda Dean
Jacqueline Guttman
Annette Hollander
Jennie Katsaros
Kaya Kharibi-Whyte
Susan Klausner
Omar Lopez
Danielle Nyman
Michael Passow
Henry Pruitt III
Scott Reddin
Sarah Russell
Louise Schwartz
Talia Shulman
Lena Sung


Honorary Trustees

Kenneth Albert
Elizabeth Colten
Jerry Cunningham
Norman Davis
Elizabeth Frank
Corinne Hoexter
Marie Karanfilian
Renee Leiter
Priscilla McKenna Carolyn Milne
Richard Oram
Jennifer McMillan Rubin

Executive Director
Stephen Wiessner


Rosetta Arrigo

Land Steward / Raptor Care Specialist

Carol Fusco

Education Director/Volunteer Coordinator

Ashe Kulhanek

Office Manager

Sam Pettigrew


Hae-young Chun


Marquis Gordon


Satig Mesropian

Communications Manager

Catherine Wedgbury

Land Manager

Reed DuBow


Cameron Kanterman

Land Steward

Stephen Wiessner

Executive Director


There are currently no job openings.